Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday...all day long

I did not get off to the best start...slept horrible which broke first rule...go to be early, get plenty of rest, rise early! But Scooter and I made it out the door for our morning 1.5 mile walk and a repeat 2 mile walk this evening! Check!

So today I end with a preview of some of my goals which I will update as I go....
1) Go to bed before 11:30 (which means doggie pee-break by 11:00) and do not watch Chelsea Handler! Sleep!! And get up when the alarm goes off at 6:30...if not out of the least pretend until 7:00 that you are getting up.
2) Walk minimum 3 miles a day...easy with restless, energetic puppy.  Been doing this one for a while. Check!!  Jazzercise class on TV is not available anymore so looking for alternate class options...more to come.
3) Eat more whole fruits and veggies! Easy for the most part but some days I crave (cave) for carbs like cereal, popcorn, toast (I'll just have toast! :-)), anything chocolate (anything with sugar), get my drift.
4) No processed food!  It is possible since I have been doing this pretty much since last year except for the exceptions....see # 3 (second part)...and was on track until vacation hiccups (beer, wine, chips, and one unfortunate incident with a can of frosting....thanks for opening that Cynthia).  In my efforts to cure myself from life-long intestinal  issues, this step and # 3 (first part) have gone a long way to getting me pain free.  Removing dairy from my diet was the biggest success!!
5) Read the Bible daily.  For many years, this has been a morning exercise I almost always did before work.  Somewhere along last year when I started stressing over losing my job...I stopped.  Doesn't make sense to me either.  I needed it then....and I really need it NOW!!

Okay, so let's recap...# 1 failed last night which lead to a late start today, # 2 check, # 3 veggies at dinner only, # 4 failed - cereal for breakfast and rice (home-made green rice-yummy) for lunch, and # 5...planning to right between walking dog and going to bed.

Enough for tonight.  More "rules/guidelines" to come as I think of them.  Plus I'll tell you about my Tuesday lunch!  Good night!


  1. Green Rice? That just sounds wrong on many levels! By the way, I only got maybe one spoonful of that icing! Greedy frosting bitches. I love toast!

  2. Green Rice? Sounds interesting! I will send you a copy of Fast and Furious! It's only 20 minutes and I think 6 minutes are warm up and cool down! So that is only 14 minutes of working out!

  3. I like Fast and Furious! Thanks
